Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New born baby niece

To my dearest sis and bro in law, OMEDETO!!!
To my newly-born 2nd little niece, IRASAIMASE to this world!!!
Can't wait to see you soon!!!
并期待拥你入怀而开始倒数。。。。。。♥ ♥ ♥

Dated back to year 2010, 2nd June, I have wrote this upon receiving the news of the born of my first niece little yue yue during my runaway in NZ.

We are so grateful to welcome our new family member~~~ dearest little niece!!! 姐姐,辛苦你了。恭喜姐姐姐夫走马上任做父母;恭喜爸爸妈妈升级做外公外婆;我们也做阿姨舅舅了呢!哈哈!!!小甥女睁大眼睛看世界的样子好可爱哟!不好意思哦,无法在第一时间跟你说哈啰。Looking forward to see u soon...hug hug *** muacks muacks ♥♥♥

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