Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013~ Hello 2014

This is my first year end in London. Within the past three months, I am grateful for what I have gained and experienced over here. Flashing back, I met a bunch of great new friends despite having old friends’ visit every now and then. I ate English breakfast, despite attempting on cooking of great variety of Oriental and Western cuisines day by day. I visited local markets around London, despite stocking up from Chinese Stalls for the craving of home-taste food. I joined the crazy sales for shopping and fancy of the local brands. I drink wine, eat Ben & Jerry’s Ice creams, trying all sorts of home-brand desserts. I watched the famous musical theatre in the grand hall and also watched 3D movie in the old cinema. What else? hmm.... As you can see, my life is full of colours here, despite the frightening colours of coming exam. (lol) I am treasuring every single moment in different environment with different people and trying different things. After all, I still miss him and my beloved family badly whom I can only see them via skype. To conclude, I feel thankful for having a blessed year 2013. Thanks to everyone and everything that has made year 2013 a fruitful and beautiful year for me. Welcome year 2014. I will continue to live my life to the fullest! 在2013和2014年接替的這一刻,我趴在書桌前為一個禮拜后的期末考做准備的當兒,被湧進手機的賀年訊息提醒了是時候為過去的一年做個回顧和總結。 回顧:最大的收穫莫過於家庭成員多了個可愛小侄兒;而自己獲得了出國升學的機會,算是圓了小時候的其中一個夢想; 總結:慶幸生活給我的考驗和我對生活的耕耘都成就了我知足的今天;感恩愛我的人和我愛的人都健康平安快樂圓滿了我幸福的當下。 對2014年的展望:繼續快樂勇敢向前走!:-D Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas in London ~Hohohoho 倫敦的聖誕色彩

在倫敦的這一季聖誕, 有耀眼的彩燈、炫目的櫥窗設計、滿街的購物人潮,還見識了上千的聖誕老人年輕人男人和女人齊聚一堂的盛況! 在倫敦的這一季聖誕, 少了夢想中的白雪覆蓋,卻多了令人驚嚇的狂風呼嘯; 少了家人在身邊的陪伴,慶幸還有新舊朋友的共樂; 暫時擱下即將面對期末考的隱憂,借用美食美酒的襯托,好好慶祝這個普天同慶的佳節吧! 祝大家平安夜平安,聖誕節快樂!
Colourful Lightings, Beautiful Decorations, Happening Christmas Markets, Crowded Shopping Complexes and Thousands of Santa and Santana marching on the streets...that's the colour of Christmas here in London! Well, there is no snow yet but only lots of strong winds (which has just blown away the fences, omg!), it's cold out there but it's warm at home...With hot food, nice wine and great friends, it's still a great season celebration with bundles of joy (and some hidden stress for coming exam, lol!). Merry Christmas everyone!