To me, every day is a special day and filled with some special events for me to remember, but today is the first day of the last month in year 2011, I just want to remember it more.
正式踏入2011年最后一个月的第一天, 依然是充实的一天,却也是喜忧参半的一天。
Story telling time by the pictures......
Woke up before day break to catch the first train and paid second visit to Tsukiji Fish Market, but ended up still unable to enter the auction area as new notice just being put up to prohibit entrance of visitors during the peak period, effective from 1st December 2011 untill January 2012. Arrghh…what a disappointment!!! :-(
Well, we still went back to the famous shushi shop for super delicious shushi breakfast. Happy mood was turned back on after had a satisfactory breakfast!!! This is one of my favourite 'sea-urchin' sushi. Oishi desu ne! :)
After had shushi, took a walk along the market and had another bowl of tuna shishimi don!!!Irresistable freshness!! haha!!! :-D
Got back to the training centre one hour before the class started and still managed to check some mail before hand. The satisfactory mood was turned down by the email that I got from my colleague in Malaysia's office informing some disappointing news. Well, I still managed to pay attention in the class and being outspoken as usual. At the end of the class, the course coordinator asking for the nomination of the representative to present speech on behalf of all delegates during the visit to Toyama Prefecture as well as during the closing ceremony. Well, the nomination came to me, thanks for being entrusted and I could just accepted with open heart. ;-)
Tired body and tensed soul exacerbated the blister on my foot (shopped too much perhaps!) so during dinner time decided to consult te doctor in the JICA clinic to ask for some cream. Happy mood took back in-charge after seeing the handsome locum doctor and the pretty nurse whom are both nice and sweet!! Kekekeke;-)
After dinner attended the “tsubo (つぼ)” class and learned how to utilize the pressure points in our body to take care of our health. Interesting and useful class!!!
The sinsei was nice and there was a musician playing soft and spiritual kind of music along our tsubo exercise to aid our relaxation and optimize the health benefit. The students come from various countries, namely Spain, Turkey, Mauritius, Portugal, Bangladesh and we even learned how to count '1,2,3,4' in multilanguage!! The whole body and soul was so relax after the class and here it ends the day, 1st December, 2011.
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