A trip full of sun, beach, seafood, alcohol, chocolate, and also friendship among colleagues as well as enemy-ship against sandfly!!!! =_=
收到记忆库里的,当然也包括了乘巴士去亚庇时,长巴‘爆胎’以至于要在艳阳下用美色招揽好心人载送我们的那一段小插曲啦! 哈哈!
The experience to travel from Labuan to Kota Kinabalu was unforgettable especially the part that the bus from Menambok to KK (took boat from Labuan to Menambol) was broken down due to tyre puncture, about 30km away from town. Ended up we had to hitch hike at the roadside under the hot sun. Luckily we managed to get a local guy's ride us to another bus station, and finally reached KK by hoping on to a mini bus (Bas berhenti-henti)!!! Although the time spent in KK was kinda short, but it was quite satisfactory as we managed to witness the picturesque sunrise at the jetty and tasted few more nice food. More importantly, we had a nice catch up with pretty pharmacist friends and also meet another nice new friend.
总结, 这次的东马之旅,因为阳光, 更因为朋友, 所以发光发热, 留下了灿烂无比的色彩和美忆。
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