This is an annual event organized by Tzu-Chi Association on second Sunday of May worldwide to celebrate Tzu-Chi Day + Wesak Day + Mother's Day. This year there were more than 5000 people joined this auspicious event which was held in PJ. Together we prayed for world peace, vowed to appreciate our mother earth by all means and care for the livings to safeguard a better life for all.
这么庄严的盛会,在全世界各地同步进行, 集合了成千上万善信们的善念和念力,期盼透过浴佛洗净内心的烦恼欲望并同声祈福,祈求人心净化、社会祥和及天下无灾难。
从召集、策划、场地布置、协调、彩排到典礼的进行,见证到大家的劳心, 感受到大家的用心。。。那种感动, 久久都还触动心旋;那种法喜, 迟迟都还持续萦绕。
*人人皆有佛性, 所以慈济的佛像设计成‘大众’脸, 希望人人皆能本着善心,爱护地球,珍惜生命。
The Buddha's statue is designed to be as 'normal people' as Master Zheng Yan believes that everyone is born to be kind and able to practice buddhism (care for the living, help those in needs and love our mother earth) in daily life.
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