There has been a lot of queries from friends who are going to NZ for either a short trip or on Working Holiday for few months as I did. While enjoying the sharing, also recalling the runaway time which always spices up my memories of life.
Well, let me put some of the personal recommendations into notes as a reference for whoever is going to visit the beautiful southern island soon, at the same time also serves as the precious record for myself.
These are just some of the things that I can recall and based on my personal point of views. Welcome any other comments/ suggestions :-)
1. For adventurous traveller
-bungy jump in Nevis if u hv enough guts and $$$, otherwise to go for cheaper option, try Taupo (dip into water more fun!). However many people actually go for the one in Kawarau Bridge as it is the FIRST place for bungy jump in the world, thanks to A.J Hacker!
-skydive in Wanaka- more customized video, but scenery in Queestown more spectacular if u prefer snow-capped mountain lying below your feet! (perhaps this is only prominent during winter? :p)
-try 'Learn to fly' in Wanaka....fun to be a pilot!
-for winter sport such as Ski and Snowboarding, after surveyed it is found that 'The Remarkable' offers quite a worthy package with coach session for beginner. Recommend to take up the coach + transport + equipment rental package (the have office in Queenstown). But for jacket and track bottom, can rent from other shops in Queenstown instead for cheaper rental fee and more colour choices (if u don't want end up with everybody looked the same in the photos with ur same jacket and sunglasses). Oh ya if you don't want to rent the goggle then please remember to bring along your sunglasses to avoid snow blind.
2. Nature's lover
- NZ has numerous tracks for trekkers so prepare your backpack and walk to the bush is a must!
-Glacier visit, either by walk (must go for FULL DAY WALK, preferably do it in Fox Glacier) or by helicopter (preferably in Franz Josef). For helihike, it is expensive and also very much depends on weather.
3. Wild life
-Seals in Kaikoura: visit OHAU point in Kaikoura (winter and early spring) to see big group of baby seal playing in waterfall
-Penguins in Oamaru: can just park the car nearby the Penguin Centre and stay in the car, wait for penguins to walk up from the sea and crossing road on the way back home during dusk (save money and more fun)
4. Eat-about
-eat domino's pizza on Tuesday, nice and cheap ($5.90nzd for a large pizza) (My favourite flavour: Double-cheese bacon burger, can request to change the beef to chicken)
- must try the pure fruit ice-cream in Cromwell, on the way to Queenstown. Watch out for the ice cream sign at the road side
-eat fish and chips in Kaikoura, look for one shop where they provide FREE source
5. Accommodation
-Generally I stayed in BBH (can visit the NZ BBH website for details) therefore it is worth buy a piece of the BBH card
-However when you go to Lake Tekapo, the recommended place to stay is The Scenic Resort. Reserve the backpacker's room as it provides quite a comfortable place to stay at good price.I stayed there for 4 times!!!
-'The Jail House' in Christchurch offers an unique staying experience
6. Part-time job seeker
-try woofing if u don't mind farm job/ slavery job~ my experience was great...know the cultural, learn the cultural, adopt the fun (the host brought me to SKII and provided personal coach up to 3 times within 2 weeks! wahahah!)
-visit www.backpackersboard.co.nz for the job listing and reserve earlier for seasonal job
-working in vineyard is indeed a tough work (especially during winter) but worth a try! Yes I tried :-)
7. Leisure
-Watch movie in the authentic style cinema in Wanaka and try the chocolate cookies sold at the cinema cafeteria during break time of the movie. The feeling was just awesome!
-Visit Glenorchy/ Kinloch, not a very popular spot among tourist but the scenery is superb and many of the scenes of LOTR was actually taken around there.
8. General
-email/call for discount if travel in larger group (Helihike, ferry etc)
-bring along insect repellent when you go to the jungle or the beach, the itchiness is kinda unbearable when you got bitten by sandfly
- remember to bring universal adapter + multiplug
-we can drive in NZ by holding Malaysia's driving license
-buy stamps in i-site (Visitor information centre) instead of post office to get more variety of different image symbolizes the country