On 311210, flashing back year 2010, what have I gained despite what have I lost?
I am grateful to conclude that there is no longer an issue to seek the balance between gain and lost, the process itself has filled up every single space of my 2010 diary with all sorts of colour and nostalgia.
Thanks to the first sunrise on top of Crystal Hill that inspired me.
Thanks to the dilemma that drove me to pursue the runaway across NZ & OZ.
Thanks to the snowing and skiing that cheered up my first winter.
Thanks to my guts that brought me up to the sky and descend via skydiving, bungee jumping and even tried the piloting of small plane.
Thanks to the chances given to allow me to work as fruit grader, packer, cleaner, gardener, mechanic, woodcutter, chef etc despite my usual role as pharmacist, tutor, translator, regulator, and even babysitter.
Last but not least, thanks to this FB application to allow me summarizing my 2010 diary in such a great way!
I do treasure every single piece of it, the things I have been through, the person I have met, the moment I have spent with my family and friends, that's enough.
Thanks everyone and everything for shaping today's me.
Goodbye 2010.