~MOUNT COOK, known to Maoris as Aoraki (Cloud Piercer) is the highest mountain in Australasia (3755m). 在下过雪的隔天从Lake Tekapo向这座全纽西兰最高的山前进,沿途遥望铺满厚厚白雪高耸入云霄的山顶在阳光反射下闪闪发亮,耀眼得促使我们停在大马路上跳跃玩闹野餐搞怪摄影,然后再进入该National Park里‘踏雪寻湖’。
~OAMARU is a pretty town with wide, tree-lined streets, galleries, colonies of rare penguins (we saw blue penguins crossing the road, so cute and funny!!!), and the best preserved collection of historic public and commercial buildings in NZ. The buildings were fashioned in the 1880s from Oamaru stone, a local cream-coloured limestone which is easily cut, carved and moulded. 冒着寒风在天黑之际躲在一旁寻找企鹅的踪影,看着一只只小小的身躯左右摆动鬼鬼祟祟地从海上作息归来, 还会看左看右没车没人然后加速横跨马路回家的滑稽模样,真是太太太有趣了!
~MOERAKI BOULDERS have long been the subject of legend and curiosity. Almost perfectly spherical, with a circumference of up to 4m, the grey boulders lie scattered along a 50m stretch of the beach. They were formed 60 million years ago as lime salts gradually accumulated around a hard core.那一颗颗浑然天成的大小圆石排列在海岸上,放眼望去, 不免会为这大自然的杰作而赞叹。
~DUNEDIN has close historical links with the Scottish city of Edinburgh.. Its buildings are among the most interesting and architecturally diverse in the country. The Must-Visit places include The Octagon, Railway Station, St Paul’s Cathedral, University of Otago and the Baldwin Street (claimed as THE STEEPEST STREET IN THE WORLD in Guinness Book of Record). 我们到步时,恰逢Mid-winter Carnival (to celebrate the longest night of the year), 庆典中心在八角大厦附近,计有乐队表演和花车灯笼游行等, 所以整个城镇热闹非凡,暖和着零下的温度。
-OTAGO PENINSULA offers a wide variety of attractions including rare and unusual wildlife, historic buildings, spectacular harbour and coastal scenery. We visited Royal Albatross Centre but didn’t see any albatross as we did not join the tour. 这里也可以看到黄眼企鹅, 可是暂时还和它们无缘. Larnach Castle是这里著名的城堡,可惜入门费不菲所以没进去参观.
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