Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Aurora Borealis @Iceland ~我的2月和我們的一生一世

二月,对我总是是别具意义的。 感恩父母在这个月份把我带到这个世界,感激8号当天由四面八方涌进来的生日祝福(抱歉,现在才有时间认真致谢); 难忘今年的生日和情人节分别在浪漫的巴黎和布拉格渡过,更让我感恩感动激动兴奋难忘的,就是我在二月末,在冰岛和梦想中的极光相遇了! 那在黑夜中洒出的梦幻色彩,为这个二月的最后2天划下了完美的句点。幸福 ing...... February has been always my month of celebrations. Thanks to my parent for bringing me into this world on this month, also grateful for the special birthday and Valentine's celebration from the special one, not forgetting thank you for all the birthday wishes that I received on 8th. To end this month with a even more remarkable point to remember, I hereby share with you the colour of the northern light that has just strike off my February 2014 with such an amazing ending!
三月,也有了很美好的開始。 因爲,再三看到的極光,更加炫目, 而且,是屬於唯獨兩個人的追逐。 2014年3月1日, 1314. 我們的一生一世。