Saturday, February 1, 2014

Chinese New Year in London~ 馬上。。!!!

My first Chinese New Year away from family and close friends......Miss you all so much! Happy Chinese New year and may all of you have a prosperous and healthy horse year ahead! 第一次,过年时,离身边人那么远,思乡的情怀当然少不了。借用伦敦唐人街的一片红彩,祝愿大家团圆幸福,马年吉祥!
Have CNY Reunion dinner @London with friends of Chinese origin but from different countries. The food was great, the accompany was enjoyable, the moment was memorable and the celebration was fantastic! Glad, thankful, and, GONG XI FA CAI! 在异乡的年夜饭,和不同国籍的朋友一起过,感觉别有一番风味。 丰盛食材捞火锅,寓意丰收兴旺又一年; 水果拼盘捞鱼生,寓意风生水起年年发; 年糕布丁当甜点,寓意步步高升心也甜; 还有莲子白果龙眼炖雪耳,润肺养颜之于也寓意好运连连百事佳果龙马精神眼睛明亮耳朵雪亮健康吉祥哟!哈哈! 农历新年快乐幸福!