Thursday, January 1, 2015

Pray for a better 2015

Year 2014 has gone and we are now in year 2015. There had been many happiness and precious moments that I cherished for the past one year. Yet, there were also many sadness and disastrous incidents that I felt grieve for along the eventful year. Life is uncertain and unpredictable. We couldn't control what is happening next but we could appreciate what we have now. To welcome the new year, let's pray for a better year 2015. 在告别2014年和迎接2015年之际, 回顾,仿佛是列行动作, 借以提醒自己有在真实地活着,也感恩自己在人生的旅途上又累计了多一年的历练; 展望,更是常年活动, 用以督促自己在生活的漩涡里要随时保持乐观积极的心态,去应对未来所有的变数。 2014年最大的收获,莫过于圆满了出国留学的梦想,还凭着‘超龄老学生‘的不老毅力拼了个一等成绩回来,那种满足感是督促自己前进最好的推动力。 也,藉机欧游四国,在15个国家, 50几个城市乡镇留下了足迹和带走了上万的照片和满满的回忆。其中最大的一个重点,莫过于亲眼见识了大自然的鬼斧神工- 北极光带来的绚烂, 那惊叹还历历在目,那震撼还久久不散。 学成归 国的那一天, 带着荣耀和思念,夹杂惊喜和感动, 和久违了的身边人相拥,那温暖至今还留下余温。 2014年却也是最戏剧化的一年。 出席了几椿喜事,见证了几个新生命的诞生; 也,目睹了病魔摧残至亲的凄楚,更感叹于接连不断的天灾人祸带来的悲凉。 悲欢离合,生老病死,灾难意外,本来就是人生的一部分。 我们固然无法控制或改变生命的变数,可是我们可以把握当下,学习感恩并珍惜眼前拥有的。 至于对2015年最大的展望,就是由衷地希望, 明天会更好。

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Scientific poster presentation @KCL300714~ 好一场获益菲浅的盛会

Scientific poster presentation @KCL300714 marked one of the major milestone achieved towards completing our MSc. Well done everyone! Good luck for the thesis write up! One more week to go, strive on... 把几个月来在实验室里埋头苦干的部分成果通过海报呈现于各界教授学者,好一场获益菲浅的盛会。自己的作品和讲解被公布为全场第二名,惊喜之余,开心满足欣慰接踵而来。衷心感谢我的 post doc和实验室里的技师鼎力相助,还有我的教授给予的赏识。同时几个教授问我要读博吗?嗯,考虑考虑吧!考虑期限?或许,无期。哈哈!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Summer Weekend's Getaway ~2014夏日樂悠悠之周末暴走記

Mayfield Lavender Farm 050714 + Hartfield Pooh Corner 120714 ~難得的夏天,再忙也要趁周末逃離繁重的課業投入大自然的懷抱,養精畜銳一番!不用去得太遠,就在離倫敦近郊區,轉個地鐵和公交就可以在薰衣草園裏奔跑沐花香浴;再來個Hartfield小熊維尼尋幽探祕之旅,也是搭個火車再轉乘巴士,就可以在叢林中健走跋涉,翻滾于隱藏在樹叢后的廣闊草原,追溯小熊維尼的歷史。 需要祭五臟廟時,拿出準備好的三明治,拈著花香隨地露營,或是在雅致的茶館細品一份英式下午茶,珍惜當下,活得實在也不失精彩,人生莫過於如此。。。Playing hard and working hard at the same time, ces't la vie!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Brain cells replenished after long hours working on my poster...

Big lunch + dinner after long hours of analyzing data and scrapping words for my abstract and 3 + protein + multivitamins & mineral from the giant salmon fillet, egg, fresh veggie, mushroom celery soup savoured with cheese and wine to replenish my dead brain cells! Itadakimasu...

Friday, July 18, 2014


Hopefully it's the last day that I have to spend such a long hours in the lab working on my research project. Hopefully the data are good to proceed for writing a valuable report. The release feeling upon stepping out from the lab is immediately taken over by the shocking and sad feeling on the tragedy of MH17!!! Hopefully it's not real but....argh...I'm speechless and truly deeply worried and saddened by the news...

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Happening West End Live in London ~Reunion with friends from HK

Another visit of friend...this time all the way from Hong Kong and we have not seen each other for more than 5 years! What a wonderful catch up and eventful days we have had! Thanks to the lively and artistic London @ West End Live Theatre, London Eye 4D experience, National Gallery and Tate Modern. 这一次在伦敦和朋友的重逢,是来自东方之珠的才女。很开心得以结伴游览闻名世界的艺术廊(有专业才女为一窍不通的我解说分享,实在收获不浅), 还有幸参与超值的街头舞台剧庆典(在短短几个小时饱览了各出著名的舞台剧精华篇),再走走看看吃吃喝喝,言谈甚欢于举杯对饮中。。。人生其一乐事也!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day Celebration from 10,000 km away...

Again, on air celebration of Father's Day with my beloved family from ten thousand kilometres celebration I wish to be there with you all. Hope my beloved daddy keep healthy and happy always! 超过一万公里的越洋连线,祝愿我亲爱的爸爸Tc Chua,我两个外甥女的爸爸@ Jeen Lee,我小侄儿的爸爸Ahteok Chua,父亲节快乐!Happy Father's Day to all great papa out there!