Tokyo, the metropolitan city, there are so many places to explore and visit.
Starting as early as 4am+, we walked to the station to catch the earliest train to the fish market, yet unable to join the auction but the disappointment was undertaken by satisfaction after had super fresh (super expensive also :p) sashimi sushi as breakfast.
When the sun started to gaze, we walked to the park and enjoyed the colour of autumn. Walking journey followed by shopping and continuous food hunting.
Of course, not forgetting visiting the temple and shrine to do some prayer, and definitely we have had a wonderful journey as well as a blessed journey of life.
在東京走走看看吃吃喝喝拜拜, 收穫挺多的!
在大清早兩顧築地魚市場,雖然終究沒能見識到拍賣魚貨的壯觀場面,可是有超級新鮮(卻也不便宜)的刺身壽司果腹作早餐, 已足以讓人回味連連;
11月的日本恰逢尾秋,到各大小公園去漫步賞秋景,跟紅葉黃葉來個很有意境的告別禮, 賞心悅目也;
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