-Finally, spring has arrived after winter has gone.
-Flowers start to gloom, weather starts to get warmer, but wind still blows strongly and rain falls quite frequently.
-Here it comes to my last day in South Island.
-Here I am in Picton, where the ferry terminal located, connecting both islands of New Zealand across the Cook Strait.
-Feel reluctant to leave? Yes, I do.
-Traveled around South Island again to see how spring has coloured up those places of interest, I just couldn’t help to get this lovely island out of my mind.
~Christchurch (thrilling farewell by the earthquake) ~ Lake Tekapo (chilling farewell by the storm) ~ Oamaru (lovely farewell by the cute penguins) ~ Dunedin (challenging farewell by the steepest street) ~ Alexandra (beautiful farewell by the blossom) ~ Queenstown (rushing farewell by the busy town) ~ Wanaka (exhilarating farewell by the piloting experience) ~ Fox Glacier (stunning farewell by the glacier) ~ Westport (relaxing farewell by the sandy beach) ~ Kaikoura (awesome farewell by the sunrise & seals) ~ Blenheim (tasty farewell by the wines) ~ Picton (bid farewell at last).
-Goodbye South Island.
-I’m gonna miss each of every places here. I’m gonna miss the Autumn, the Winter, as well as the new coming Spring. Well, I missed the Summer!
在南岛体验季节的变换, 过过生活, 打打散工, 走走玩玩, 转眼就过了几个月.
在这里渡过了落叶纷飞的秋季, 也渡过了雪花飘散的冬季, 在迎接春季的这一刻却也来到了告别的时刻.
老天也知道我的不舍啦, 所以时不时都会洒泪!
老天也很厚待我啦, 那朵朵绽放的花卉点缀了那么炫目的告别礼!
所有的风光, 所有的体验, 都会被我牢牢记住的.
南岛, 拜拜咯!
北岛, 我来咯!